2024 YM Camp

August 6th - 10th

“Light of the World”

The Annual trip you look forward to all year—at Neah Bay!

Camp begins Tuesday, August 6th (meet at Shoreview Chapel @ 9am - 102 North 132nd Street (map)) and ends on Saturday, August 10th. We will then return to the Shoreview Chapel on the Saturday in the afternoon. More details to follow.

Join the young men of the Seattle North Stake for 5 days of camping, water adventures, and spiritual experiences. Friends welcome!

Please make sure to review the packing list below. Once we have your registration, we’ll send details about transportation to/from camp.

What to bring

Clothing - we are tent camping, so check the weather and pack accordingly:

  • Bottoms for 4 days (can be shorts or pants)

  • Tops for 4 days

  • Under clothing for 4 days

  • Swimsuit

  • Closed toe shoes

  • 1 pair of sandals or other shoes for creek swimming/kayaking

  • Socks

  • Sweatshirt/Jacket

  • Swim/Rash Shirt

  • Hat and/or sunglasses

  • Rain coat or poncho


  • Wash Cloth/towel

  • Towel for shower & swimming

  • Deodorant

  • Shampoo & conditioner

  • Soap

  • Toothbrush & toothpaste

  • Hair brush/comb

  • Mosquito Repellant

  • Sunscreen

  • Chapstick

  • Any medication needed


  • Sleeping pad

  • Sleeping bag


  • Water Bottle

  • Journal and pen/pencil

  • Headlamp or flashlight

A note about electronic devices: We are tent camping in a campsite with no electricity and extremely limited charging capability.