2023 YM Camp

August 8th - 12th

“Come to the Water”

The Annual trip you look forward to all year—at Neah Bay!

Camp begins Tuesday, August 8th (meet at Dave Smith’s house at 218 W Kinnear Place at 9 am) and ends on Saturday, August 12th. More details to follow.

Join the young men of the Seattle North Stake for 5 days of camping, water adventures, and spiritual experiences. Friends welcome!

Pre-Camp Activity!

Prior to Camp, all young men are invited to a Stake YM social activity on Wednesday, August 2nd at 7 pm at Dave Smith’s house (218 W Kinnear Place). The main purpose of activity is to inventory and try on wetsuits and do a little planning. We will also have some snacks and have fun hanging out. We have a pretty good collection of wetsuits, but if you have access to a wetsuit please bring it to Camp!

Please make sure to review the packing list below. Once we have your registration, we’ll send details about transportation to/from camp. And if you have any questions, please email George Durham, Stake YM Camp Director.

What to bring

Clothing - we are tent camping, so check the weather and pack accordingly:

  • Bottoms for 4 days (can be shorts or pants)

  • Tops for 4 days

  • Under clothing for 4 days

  • Swimsuit

  • Closed toe shoes

  • 1 pair of sandals or other shoes for creek swimming/kayaking

  • Socks

  • Sweatshirt/Jacket

  • Hat and/or sunglasses

  • Rain coat or poncho


  • Wash Cloth/towel

  • Towel for shower & swimming

  • Deodorant

  • Shampoo & conditioner

  • Soap

  • Toothbrush & toothpaste

  • Hair brush/comb

  • Mosquito Repellant

  • Sunscreen

  • Chapstick

  • Any medication needed


  • Sleeping pad

  • Sleeping bag


  • Water Bottle

  • Journal and pen/pencil

  • Headlamp or flashlight

A note about electronic devices: We are tent camping in a campsite with no electricity and extremely limited charging capability.