Young Men’s Camp

Registration and Permission Form / Medical Release

Thank you for registering for the Seattle North Stake 2024 Young Men’s Camp. All young men who will be 12 years of age before December 31, 2024 are invited and encouraged to attend!

The information below is required by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints for participation in this activity, which involves an overnight stay, travel outside the local area, and activities with higher than ordinary risks. We have included the form on this website to make it easier for you to submit in place of a physical form. Parents and youth should review and fill out the form together. If you have questions about the form or these requirements, please contact us directly.

Thank you,

Seattle North Stake Young Men’s Presidency

Event details

Event: 2024 YM Camp

Date: August 6-10, 2024

Venue: Hobuck Beach “By Neah Bay,WA”

Stake: Seattle Washington North

Young Men Camp Leaders (YMCLs) are young men helping to plan and lead camp and are available for questions, suggestions, and inquiries from the young men:

  • Andrew Muilenburg (Lake Forest Park)

  • Adam Call (Shoreview)

  • Miles Wignall (Discovery Park)

  • Marsden Durham (Green Lake)

  • Mason Chan (Lake Union)

  • Liang and Ping Harrison (Ravenna Park)

Adult camp leaders:

  • Dan Wilcox (Stake YM Presidency) – - 425-356-7498

  • Cieron Faerch (Stake YM Presidency) - - 206-724-9653

  • Sam Hunter (Stake YM Presidency) - - 949-887-9956